Learn more about the different programs we offer, including a variety of supplemental programs.
Are you looking for a high-quality Pre-K program in Lorain County for a child age 4 or 5?
There are multiple full-day scheduling options, a 1:11 student-teacher ratio, and all meals, snacks and supplies included in our tuition.
Are you looking for a high-quality Preschool program in Lorain County for a child age 3 to 5?
There are multiple full-day and half-day scheduling options, a 1:10 student-teacher ratio, and all meals, snacks and supplies included in our tuition.
Are you looking for a high-quality Toddler program in Lorain County for a child age 18 months to 3 years old?
There are multiple full-day scheduling options, a 1:6 student-teacher ratio, and all meals, snacks and supplies included in our tuition.
Are you looking for a high-quality Infant program in Lorain County for a infant age 6 weeks to 18 months old?
There are multiple full-day scheduling options, and all meals, snacks and supplies included in our tuition.
America Reads
America Reads is a national initiative, established by President Clinton in 1996, which is designed to ensure that every child learns to read well and independently by the end of third grade.
Research shows that if children cannot read well by this time, their chances for success shrink. The Oberlin America Reads Program, which is run through the Bonner Center for Service and Learning at Oberlin College, places federal work-study and volunteer college students at the Oberlin Early Childhood Center to assist children with their literacy skills in the hope of fulfilling this challenge.
To read more about the Oberlin America Reads Program click here.
Oberlin Public Library
The Oberlin Public Library Children’s Librarian makes regular visits to our toddler and preschool rooms to read and provide literacy activities.
Children also take walks to the Oberlin Public Library for story time and to discover the library.
USDA Food Program
The United States Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides funding for nutritious meals and snacks to infants and children as a regular part of our program.
CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to enrolled children, targeting benefits to those children most in need.
Because this is an eligibility based program all families MUST complete the food program forms provided by OECC.